Park Information

After Hours
In the Event of an Emergency a Duty Manager can be contacted by pushing the night bell located next to the entrance to the kiosk.

Air Conditioning
All cabins are fitted with split system heating and cooling. The control must be pointed at the head unit located in your cabin and the power button pushed to start the unit. When switching between cold and heat modes the unit will take approximately 5 minutes to change cycles. If the operating mode is not written on the remote for the unit please refer to the reference below.

Amenity Blocks
Amenity Blocks are located at the Camp Kitchen. (Please refer to your park map for Amenity Block locations)

Ants and Spiders
Ants and spiders are a fact of life in our region and we have to live with them. Whilst we have made every effort to control them, you may find them from time to time. We have spray available in the office if needed.

Baby Bath Facilities|
Baby bath facilities are located at the Camp kitchen. (Please refer to your park map for its location)

Free gas barbeques are located in the Camp Kitchen and BBQ Area. (Please refer to your park map for their locations) Charcoal/ wood BBQ’s are not permitted.

We welcome the use of bicycles and scooters within the park. Electric equipment is not permitted.
Please stay to roads and not ride through occupied sites. Helmets must always be worn.

Boat Wash
Washing of boats is not permitted within the park. Boat washing facilities are available at the Ampol Service Station, Main Road, Yankalilla.

Boom gates
Individual access codes are issued and allow for one vehicle per code to enter or exit. Avoid tailgating another vehicle as the system will not allow you to enter or exit again. Tailgating may result in damage to your vehicle and the boom gates. Any damage will be at your cost.

Bottles and Cans
Can and bottle bins are located alongside rubbish bins around the park. (Please refer to your park map for their locations)

Camp Kitchen
Our fully equipped Camp Kitchen and BBQ Area are available for your use while staying in the park. (Please refer to your park map for the Camp Kitchen location)
Open Time is 6am – 10.30pm
The power will automatically turn off outside of these hours.

Car Wash
Washing of cars is not permitted within the park. A car wash is available at the BP Service Station, 216 Main Road, Normanville.

Checkout Time
Checkout is strictly 10am.
Upon departure please empty bins, lock cabin and return key to reception. Where departure is outside of office hours, please place key in key returns box located by reception door.
Checking out after 10:00am is by request to management only and may incur a late check out fee.

Fishing Cleaning Facilities
Fish cleaning is not permitted in your cabin. Fish cleaning facilities are located outside the camp kitchen/ BBQ area under the shelter. (Please refer to your park map for the fish cleaning facility location)
$100 Charge will be automatically charged if these rules are not adhered to.

All registered guests are liable for any loss of keys, and or damage to cabin appliances, furniture, fixtures and fittings. Applicable charges will automatically be charged.

Emergency Procedures
In the event of an emergency, call 000 for Ambulance, Fire or Police and notify park managers as soon as applicable.
In the Event of any other emergency, management can be contacted on 8558 2458 during office hours or by using the emergency night bell located at the office.

Guest Parking
Guests are not permitted to park within the holiday park. Your guests are welcome to use the car park located near reception.

Housekeeping & Services
Should you require anything to make your stay more comfortable, please advise reception and we will do our best to facilitate your request. Please note that we do not offer a daily turn down service and or daily replacement of towels etc.

Ice can be purchased from reception for $4.50 per bag.

Laundry Facilities
Coin operated laundry facilities are available in the camp kitchen. Clothes lines are provided near these facilities. (Please refer to your park map for their locations)

  • Washing Machine $4.00

  • Tumble Dryer (40 Min) $4.00 

  • Laundry powder $1.00 per sachet

  • Our machines use $1.00 coins. Change is available from reception during office hours.

  • An iron can be collected from reception during office hours.

Bed and bath linen is supplied to beds of paying guests only. Please note that our linen is not to be used for beach or waterpark use.
Linen is not to be removed from cabin and charges apply if these rules are not adhered to.
Beach towels can be hired from reception for $5.00 each.

Lost & Found
Please report any lost and found items to reception.
Perishable items left in your fridge or cabin will be disposed of immediately. Non consumable items will held for a period of 3 months, after this time non consumable items will be donated to a local charity.

An Australia Post mailbox is located in Normanville outside the post office. (1/89 Main Street, Normanville)

Please advise reception during office hours of any maintenance issue to do with your cabin, or elsewhere in the park.

To ensure the enjoyment of all guests, please keep noise to a minimum, especially between the hours of 10.30pm and 7am. Illegal drug use, excessive use of alcohol, acts of violence or abuse, loud or offensive behaviour, unacceptable language, causing damage and disturbance of other guests will not be tolerated. Unregistered vehicles are not to be used in the park. Unlicensed drivers are prohibited from driving within the park. Management reserves the right to evict patrons from the park who are deemed to be in breach of any park rules. In this event no refund will be issued. Please report any disruptive behaviour directly to reception or via the after-hours bell located by reception doors. (All complaints will be kept confidential)

Office Hours
Our reception hours are from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Reception is open daily, except for Christmas Day

Your carpark is located alongside your cabin. Please make sure your vehicle is parked within the area provided.

Personal Belongings
The park takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal belongings. Please keep cabins and vehicles locked at all times.
The park waives any responsibility for theft of personal possessions.
Thoroughly check cabin on departure as perishable items will be disposed of by cleaners immediately and non-consumable will be held for a period of 3 months before being donated to charity.

Pets are not permitted in or around our cabins. Failure to abide by this will result in an additional $100.00 cleaning fee being added to your account.

Our park playground is located on the right hand side when entering the park. (Please refer to your park map for the playground location)

Rubbish Bins
Rubbish bins in cabins must be emptied on departure. Additional fees will be applied if not done so.
(Please refer to your park map for the locations of 240 litre bins and skip bins)

Smoke Alarms
If your smoke alarm activates during cooking, open doors and windows or create a fanning motion with a tea towel or alike to clear smoke. Should the alarm persist in being activated, please advise reception. Do not remove batteries.

Smoking is not permitted in our cabins. Failure to abide by this will result in an additional $100.00 cleaning fee being added to your account.

Speed Limit
The park Speed limit is strictly 10kph (walking pace). Please be aware of pedestrians and children on bikes and scooters.

Taxi Services
AM/PM Chauffeurs: 0439 919 404
Des’s Taxi: 13 33 77

Alternately the Yankalilla Hotel and Links Lady Bay Resort both have courtesy buses free of charge and will pick up and drop off. (Refer to “Hotels” for contact details

Tea and Coffee Making Facilities
Complementary arrival tea and coffee have been provided. Additional condiments can be purchased from the office.

Televisions/DVD Players
Remote controls are provided for your television and DVD player.
Please do not re-tune your TV and contact reception if you are experiencing signals issues.

Tourist Information
Reception has tourist information, and reception staff are happy to help make your stay memorable. Alternatively the Yankalilla Visitor Information Centre is located at 163 Main South Road, Yankalilla.
Opening hours are Monday- Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 10pm-4pm & Sunday 10am-2pm.
Visit for more information.

Visitors are required to report to reception. Additional charges apply for visitors staying overnight.
Visitors are not permitted to use the watepark. Park patrons are responsible for their visitors and must follow all park rules. Day visitors must vacate the park by 10pm each night.

Free Complementary WIFI is provided. Username and password is provided on check in paperwork.
Steps to connect:

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Select WIFI

  3. Select Beachside Holiday Park

  4. Password is: beachside157

Places to eat
Yankalilla Hotel 08 8558 2011
Normanville Hotel 08 8558 1200
Yankalilla Take Away 08 8558 4158

Fast Eddie’s Take Away 08 8558 2771
Caffe on Bungala 0403 349 664

Important Numbers

Southern Fleurieu Family Practice Ph: 08 8558 0111
175 Main South Road, Yankalilla

Normanville Pharmacy (Terry White Chemmart & SA Lotteries) Ph: 08 8558 3446
85 Main Street, Normanville

Yankalilla Pharmacy Ph: 08 8558 3254
107 Main South Road, Yankalilla

Normanville Dental Surgery Ph: 08 8558 2098
1A Mary Avenue, Normanville

BP Normanville Ph: 08 8327 5971
216 Main South Road, Normanville - Fuel, coffee, hot food, car wash, dog wash, truck and caravan friendly, bait & tackle